
New Research Report Highlights: Q1 Performance and Future Outlook for Kidoz

We are excited to share the highlights from our latest research report on Kidoz' financial performance in Q1 2024 and the outlook for the rest of the year. The link to the full report is on our Investor Site.

Key takeaways:

Q1 Revenue and Ad Spending:

  • KIDZ's Q1 revenue increased by 7% year-over-year (YoY), though it fell short of our estimates by 11% due to lower-than-expected ad spending.
  • Major digital ad platforms, YouTube and Meta, reported significant YoY ad revenue growth of 20% and 27%, respectively.

Gross Margins and Profitability:

  • KIDZ achieved a remarkable 13 percentage point (pp) increase in gross margins YoY, reaching 53%. This was primarily driven by a higher proportion of direct sales versus reseller sales, surpassing our estimates by 11 pp.
  • As a result, both EBITDA and EPS improved YoY, significantly exceeding our expectations.

Revenue Growth Outlook:

  • Q1 typically represents only 10%-15% of the year's total revenue, making it challenging to predict the full-year trend based on Q1 alone. We anticipate stronger revenue growth in the remaining quarters, driven by the expected increase in global digital ad spending.
  • According to eMarketer, global digital ad spending is projected to grow by 13.2% this year, compared to 10.7% in 2023 and 9.1% in 2022. Notably, KIDZ's revenue growth outpaced the global average by 1.3x from 2021 to 2023.

Revised Forecast and Financial Health:

  • While we have revised our 2024 revenue growth forecast downward from 16% to 13%, we now anticipate that KIDZ will achieve positive EPS this year, ahead of our previous projection for next year.
  • KIDZ maintains a robust balance sheet with no debt, ensuring financial stability.


  • KIDZ’s forward EV/R ratio is 1.6x, significantly lower than the sector average of 3.3x, representing a 50% discount.

Overall, despite a slight dip in Q1 revenue, KIDZ's strong margins and positive outlook for digital ad spending growth position it well for the remainder of 2024. We are optimistic about the company's ability to drive future revenue and profitability.

For more updates and the detailed analysis - see our full report on our Investor Site.