
The Summer 2024 Olympics is set to be one of the most-watched events in history, with an anticipated global audience of 1 billion people and 326,000 attendees in person. But what else will viewers be doing while watching the games? Many, including kids and families, will be playing mobile games. In fact, 70% of audiences engage in mobile gaming while watching TV.

How Advertisers Can Tap Into This Captive Youth Audience

As viewers split their attention between the Olympics and their mobile devices, advertisers have a unique opportunity to engage them through in-game ads. Kidoz' solution allows brands to reach this highly engaged youth audience, delivering targeted messages that resonate with their interests and viewing habits.

Top 10 Sports/Olympic-Themed Apps on Our Network

To help brands make the most of this opportunity, we’ve compiled a list of our top 10 sports and Olympic-themed apps. These games not only capture the spirit of the Olympics but also attract a dedicated user base of kids and teens, making them perfect for in-app advertising (Bonus: all are rated E for everyone, and are a part of our exclusive COPPA kid-safe network!).

The Advantage of In-Game Ads

By placing ads within these popular sports and Olympic-themed apps, brands can ensure their messages are seen by a highly engaged youth audience. These games attract active players who are already interested in sports and competition, making them the perfect platform for brands looking to connect with viewers during the Olympics.

The Summer 2024 Olympics presents a unique opportunity for brands to reach a large and diverse youth audience. By leveraging our in-game ad solution and targeting popular sports and Olympic-themed apps, brands can effectively engage with young viewers who are both watching the games and playing video games. This dual engagement offers a powerful way to capture the attention of younger viewers and make a lasting impression.

Contact us today to learn more about how our in-game ad solution can help you reach your target audience during the Summer 2024 Olympics. Game on!